
Julie hosts and writes television shows with subject matter as diverse as foodsports, and science. She’s interviewed and worked with chefsastronautsOlympic athletes, and gurus. Also, comedians. And we all know what that’s like. She has degrees in film and broadcasting, and has managed to perform thousands of hours of live TV with only one incident that she mildly regrets.

She’s done sketch comedycartoon voices and has emceed large events, but is completely freaked out by karaoke. Even in a private room. The internet has been good to Julie. She’s been hosting multi-use video for large clients like Yahoo!YouTube Original Content, and Kraft Foods. She also does long-form commercials as a spokesperson for KitchenAid. You can Google her. But don’t tell her Nana you did. She’ll call the police.

Julie is the author of Phoebe Sounds it Out and Not ’Til Tomorrow, Phoebe (OwlKids Books). She’s saved copies for you here and here. She’s currently working on more picture books and a middle-grade novel.

Julie trains at the karate dojo and is a mom to 12-year-old twins. “She can pack a punch and also a lunch” is the final, awesome tagline of this bio. Her agent thinks it’s too edgy, but Julie knows you can handle the truth.

Here are some of the folks Julie has worked with: